Order a T-Shirt Quilt Inspired By ' Al Louden’s Memory Quilt (#1) '
Al had a hard time choosing which shirts to preserve in his t-shirt quilt, so he just decided to make 2 quilts! One with more personal memories and one with more WFU memories (though it is hard to separate the two). Also check out Al Louden’s Memory Quilt (#2).
We decided to use an Old Gold and Black checkerboard theme that would compliment both quilts. The Fleur de Lis quilting pattern makes for a stately design. We used a black backing with gold thread which makes the design vivid! Al has a new office on campus and has his quilt hanging in his office! Way too Cool!!
We decided to use an Old Gold and Black checkerboard theme that would compliment both quilts. The Fleur de Lis quilting pattern makes for a stately design. We used a black backing with gold thread which makes the design vivid! Al has a new office on campus and has his quilt hanging in his office! Way too Cool!!