Square in a Square Ruler & Quick & Easy Quilts Book Combo
Square in a Square Ruler and Book Combo.
UPCOMING Virtual Sew-along Introductory Square in a Square class. Details HERE.--
Original Technique Ruler with NEW 36 page book by Jodi Barrows.
The Original Square in a Square technique ruler is NOW packaged with a new pattern book called Quick & Easy Quilts using the Square in a Square technique. The original ruler is an all time favorite and now has a new look; pattern book includes 5 Options, 21 blocks and 6 patterns.
Here are just a few things that the Square in a Square ruler does:
Square in a Square - to make a square in a square, this is the only way to do it. Start with a square in the middle and sew strips on the side. Four easy trims to get the square in a square that you need. This is what we call Option 1 of the Square in a Square system. Make them in ANY SIZE.
Flying Geese - the best flying geese ruler on the market. Makes ANY SIZE of them with speed and accuracy two at a time. When you use our fast strip piecing method, you should easily make 25 to 100 flying geese in one hour getting them to the point that they are ready to sew. This is Option 3 flying geese of the Square in a Square technique.
Half-square Triangles - this same ruler will make half square triangles four at a time in ANY SIZE. As a bonus, you can make them all the same color, all different colors or any combination. When you get these cut into the sizes you want, they are ready to go; no dog ears and no papers to peal and no need to square up. This is Option 4 of the Square in a Square technique.
41 Different Options - there are currently 41 different Options available with the Square in a Square technique ruler.
Companion Books for 39 Options: Square in a Square Reference Book Vol. 1 and Diamonds by the Square Reference Book Vol. 2, Option 40 and Option 41 sold separately.
You might also like to check out the precut kits offered on our website using the Square in a Square ruler. Tumbling Blocks, Constellation, and Rainbow Pineapple are wonderful precut quilt kits.