Janie Border/Backing

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Here's the costs of the fabrics for your border, sashing, backing, and Blocks 8 & 11.

Blocks 8 & 11 will be $15 each = $30.00

Backing, binding, border is 118" wide at $16.95/yd for 2.17 yards = $36.78

Sashing Med purple 21" @ $9.50/yd = $5.51

Sashing White 22" @ $9.95/yd = $6.07

Border Lt Aqua 22" @ $9.50/yd = $5.80

Accent Sashing Dk Aqua 1.5" @ $9.50 = $.38

Discount for Border/Sashing/Backing Less 10% = $-5.45

Total = $79.09


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