Order a Custom Quilt Inspired By ' Garden Kaleidoscope Quilt '
First Place Award in Large Pieced by One Person Category in 2013 Heart of the Triad Quilt Guild.
Vibrant kaleidoscope quilt. I designed this quilt beginning with the bold zinnia print fabric of the outside border. The medalion circle and fans are created with a “Stack and Whack” method using both the right and wrong side of the fabric. The variety of fabric sides created a motif of flowers as you would find in a kaleidoscope. The “Bird of Paradise” type points in the border accents the colors from the quilt.
The center medalion is framed with hummingbirds hidden in the solid background fabric. There are many intricate details within the quilting of this Garden Kaleidoscope. Open the pictures below to see the details closeup.